Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Class update...

So, I was waiting for my darling daughter to upload and send me the pictures she took of my tincture straining process...and I was waiting and waiting...wait for it *cue blonde moment* I took them on my camera not hers...hence the reason she wasn't sending them to me. DOH!

Hopefully my camera batteries will hold out to upload them. And then I can post them as long as they came out clear. My camera is kinda crappy compared to my little darling's.

I've been hesitating to continue with my lessons. I've been extremely scared that I won't do well. There's so much to learn and I sometimes feel I won't be able to retain it all. I've been letting fear rob me of my dreams and that's unacceptable.

So I will try to put that all that fear aside and give my classes my all.

Comment problem fixed on the blogs

So apparently, my other blogs had issues with comments. It took me a bit but I finally figured out the problem. For some reason I have to select pop out comment box for people to post a comment. *Sigh!* Anyway, it's fixed it should be all fine once again.